Untermyer Garden Conservancy

Contact: Cathy Michelsen

Untermyer Gardens Conservancy
945 North Broadway
United States

Tel: 9146232623

Email: cmichelsen@untermyergardens.org

About Untermyer Garden Conservancy

The Untermyer Gardens Conservancy was founded in 2011 to revitalize and improve Untermyer Gardens, a Yonkers-owned park, which had been called the most spectacular garden in America before suffering a long period of severe decline. Its creator, Samuel Untermyer (1858– 1940), was a highly successful lawyer and progressive figure who campaigned for women’s suffrage, fought against anti-Semitism, and led the American resistance to Adolf Hitler as early as 1933. Passionate about horticulture, in 1916 he commissioned William Welles Bosworth to design a garden that would outdo the one he had designed for Kykuit, the nearby Rockefeller estate. Rich in history and cultural interest, today’s garden comprises 15 cultivated acres of garden and 28 woodland acres against a backdrop of the Hudson River and Palisades. A strong appreciation of multicultural influences is especially striking in the Walled Garden—the finest Indo-Persian garden in the western hemisphere. Outstanding horticultural displays, prominent water features, and architectural elements from various civilizations and historical periods distinguish the property. Now in its fourteenth year, the Conservancy has restored eight distinct garden areas and is in the process of restoring/developing seven more. Among the most beautiful public gardens in the country, it is one of the few with free admission.  The Conservancy welcomes 300,000 visitors from all walks of like annually, delivers adult and youth education programs, and presents an annual concert series in the historic amphitheater. 

1 job with Untermyer Garden Conservancy